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?? Come on to me all ye that labor, and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart,

then ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.? Matthew 11:28 ?? 29

  Living in the kingdom of God, is a very important, as well as critical concept when it comes to the Christian life.  Even though there is a difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven, we must understand that one enters into a victorious experience with the Lord Jesus Christ by way of the new birth, as well as kingdom living. Jesus said, calm on to me, which is the first stage or the first step toward kingdom living. One must come to Christ as a result of putting one's total trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior. This is what it means to enter into the kingdom of God. That is, one enters into the kingdom of God Through the New Birth. After a person comes into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and enters into the kingdom of God, there is the issue of kingdom living. Living in the kingdom of God means living under the rulership of God, as well as under the complete influence of the Holy Spirit. When One Is Born Again, the kingdom of God becomes a wonderful reality in a person's life. For, we become transformed into new creatures in Christ when we allow the spirit of God to have full control of the business operations of our lives.


?? Blessed be the God and Father or our Lord Jesus Christ, who

has blessed us with spiritual blessings in Heavenly places.? Ephesians 1:3


  God has a blessing with your name on it! This means that God has nothing but the best in store for his children. If you are a born-again blood wash child of God, this means that God has a plan for your life, as well as spiritual blessings as the Scripture says, in heavenly places. For, these blessings are to be manifested in our present world through the experiences that the believer has been everyday living. This also means, that as the epistle of Paul declares, And That We Have a Position in Christ, a responsibility of  Christian conduct in the world, and engagement in constant spiritual warfare with Satan and his cohorts. The major composition of the book of Ephesians gives us these truths. However concentrating upon the blessings that God has with your name on it tells us that we are always blessed by the best.

There are hindrances to receiving the blessings, that is the best that God has for every single child of God. Let's look at three of them. The first hindrance is disobedience. We must learn to obey God and allow God to handle all the consequences that we can conjure up in our minds. The second hindrance to receiving the fullness of the blessings of God in our life, is being yielded to the Holy Spirit's work. There is a sifting in this process that we must yield to and be aware of for complete victory over our own selves.

The third hindrance to receiving the full blessings of God, is prayerlessness . The prayer life of the child of God is very critical to successful Christian living. There is an old saying that sounds like a cliché. It goes something like this. Little prayer little power, No prayer no power, Much prayer much power. So we want to realize the blessings that the Lord has for us which has our name on it, let's totally become immersed in the spiritual life.

















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